Standing Out
The key in a lot of markets is to do something already being done but just do it better. It is easier to do something better than it is to do something brand new.
Communicate Effectively or Lose $62.4 Million
Bad communications is estimated to cost businesses $62.4 million a year because of inadequate communication according to SHRM.
How to Anger Customers
If you want to anger customers, I have the strategy for you
Challenge the Status Quo
I sat alone in the terminal on a quiet Saturday afternoon in this regional airport. It seemed rather quiet as departure time approached. And as the time came to board, I found myself as the only passenger on the plane.
Eliminate Complication
Smart people are great. People who act smart just make things overly complicated. Just get things done in as few words as possible.
How To Create Awesome Ideas
As we kick off 2022, fight to find the time to develop this skill set and not get bogged down in the actions of marketing.
BAI: Where bank marketing is falling short
Traditional institutions can no longer view themselves as an “essential service” and must instead honestly examine how to connect with customers.
How to Build a Growing Brand
According to a report from Morning Consult on 2021’s Fastest Growing Brands, five of the 20 fastest growing brands across generations are from the fields of cryptocurrency, fintechs, and digital payments.
Customer Experience is the Map That Matters in 2022
Personas are not a strategy but rather a guide. And if the persona is the guide, the experience is the map.
Welcome to the Wild West of Web3
Aside from the struggle to often find value in the majority of these NFT projects, it is difficult to understand what tools to use and how it is all connected.
Business Strategy Trifecta
Trying to come up with a marketing and business growth strategy for 2022? Or maybe just tomorrow?
The Future of Virtual Events
According to research from Contently, 58% of companies said that virtual events produced the best results of any marketing strategy for B2B companies.
The Truth About Loyalty
I, as a consumer or employee, may like your product or service and try it out a few times, but you must earn my loyalty. You must earn my trust.
What is the Metaverse and Why it Matters
Many believe the future of the web — what some are calling Web 4.0 — to be a shared online 3D virtual space.
The Magic of Half-Baked Ideas
Half-baked cakes = bad.
Half-baked ideas = amazing.
Copywriting 101: Get to the Point
Advice for business communicators: get to the point of all your writing. Do not use 10 words when five will do.
The Four S’ of Marketing
While the four P’s of Marketing still matter and help with building strategies, these new four help with building the actual plans to achieve your goals.
One of the Best Business Strategies to Follow
Want the secret to one of the best business strategies around? Always strive to put yourself out of business.