How to Send a Terrible Marketing Email
The holy grail of email marketing is simple but one of the hardest things to do in marketing:
Craft the perfect email.
Your target audience opens the email. (This is a huge part of the battle.)
They shop.
They buy.
Last week, Banana Republic sent me an email on a Sunday night about a “Friends & Family” sale they had going on. It arrived at 8:35 pm and I happened to be unwinding and it caught my attention so I opened it.
But, they missed their chance.
After the sale details in the body, a grid of recommended products followed.
One tiny problem: I have not ever, not once, purchased adult women's clothes. And I have yet to buy kids clothes for my daughter from Banana.
You have to do better.
I opened the email and was excited for what I would find. Instead, I found a terrible email. Talk about a missed opportunity.