Consumer Want Stories
Potential buyers of your products or services want to see how your product solves the problem they have. Sure, there is a time and a place to show the nuts and bolts and go in for the sale, but when it comes to mass marketing, that is not the goal.
Marketing to the masses must focus on the emotion, the possible. Business is often described as the “art of the possible.” Marketing is that as well.
Recently, Texas Monthly Magazine acquired Texas County Reporter. Texas Monthly reaches ~200,000 and Texas County Reporter 1.3 M households.
This wasn’t simply a buy to get into more homes. The volume of homes was a by-product of their true goal: creative production, entertainment, and storytelling. Texas Monthly is a written publication, while the County Reporter focuses on documentary storytelling.
Consumers want story and entertainment. Find a way to provide that when and how your customers want it.