Change is Inevitable

Throughout the course of my career, I have worked in politics, marketing and non-profits. through each of those experiences, I have had my fair share of customer and client experiences. Luckily, most situations end up being able to be categorized as positive. But not all. In each situation, there have been negative moments and interactions, but each situation has always offered lessons for life and business.

Why Change Is Expected and Should be Embraced

I recently heard a comment, "It's just not something the clients are going to understand; ever."

I had to laugh at that and asked myself, "Why the hell not?"

In my experience in business, if you have a reason or something outside of your control, explain it. That is what you are paid to do. Explain what happened, why it is happening and what you are doing about it.

But just because something is happening that seems on the surface as negative does not mean you or your company should hide from the truth. My friend Matt Cheuvront just wrote about this very topic where he wrote, “only stupid people never change their minds.”

If you had asked me a year ago what I thought of TikTok as a marketing tool, I would have said (and did), “I just don't yet see a path for how companies can use it for marketing.” And while it remains a very challenging place for companies, it is absolutely possible.

The thing is:

It is absolutely, unequivocally okay to change your mind. In fact, you probably should.

Just like how asking for help is a sign of strength, changing is a sign of growth and intelligence. Change is inevitable. Embrace it.


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