Richard Dedor

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How to Make the Metaverse Real

About a month ago, Facebook announced a re-brand and future-focus on the Metaverse; and as such, changed their name to Meta. I have spent the last 30 days researching this space and have written on how the metaverse may come into play in your worlds.

As a part of their launch, Meta put out a video about what they dream the future to be.

The team behind Iceland tourism saw it and were inspired. They mocked the idea of the digital world by leaning into their real experience. (For real, go give this a watch.)

Finally, The Verge put out a story about haptic gloves that let you “feel” digital objects.

For today, do me a favor:

You likely have something real to share with your customers. Do it. Share it. Make it real. Ensure they can experience it. Let them smell it. Sense it.